i made a game go check it out

clue's home

hi i'm clue and i do silly internet things and i like design and stuff

Latest project: IWBTGG Game (check it out its pretty cool)


I've always been interested in computers and programming, so I decided to make my own website, I do not make propietary software, I believe that everything that can be FOSS, should be FOSS.


i use arch btw, i prefer amd and i use wayland with sway

i know how to code python, html, css, javascript, C# (best java-like), python, lua and bash

+fish script because i use fish

i also use vim


I wanna be the guitar guy (IWBTGG)

A hard platformer game made in godot. (This is NOT the full version!)

Linux Download Windows Download


Clippy is a clipboard manager for Linux and Mac.

view on github...


AOLBack is a recreation of AIM for Linux, Mac and Windows.

view client on github... view server on github...


QSL (QuickShortcutLanguage) is a coding language to make shortcuts using C++

view on github...



assets.biitle.nl is where I put assets for my sites, or to locally host assets such as the "Fork me on GitHub" Ribbons.

Fedora Simulator

Fedora Simulator, fsim.biitle.nl, is a simulator of installing fedora for a school presentation.


CouponF3 is a Chrome and Firefox extension like honey that finds coupons for you.

email: lost@biitle.nl

mastodon: @lostdev@mastodon.social